Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Some people say that idealism is for the youth.

Could be.

The world  gets smaller with age.
The path repetitive; the spirit caged.
Instead of meandering, wandering, discovering, we pace.
creating a rutted path from home to work from work to home and so on - with maybe a deviation here and there. But usually, we shop at the same stores, attend the same place of worship, interact with the same people, travel the same routes.

They say that:

I say, people don't stop playing because they lose interest in play. 
They stop playing because finding time to play becomes a struggle. At some point something has to give. 
In my life, that which I love has been replaced w/that which I have to do. 

Maybe one day trails will once again be hiked, bad poetry written, the soil of my garden tenderly turned & new growth encouraged. 

But for now, my route is rutted.  My world small, repetitive,tedious, frustrating & blessed.
 - remember the boy from Aleppo.


So, maybe, 
Maybe this is how it happens. 
Maybe this is how a person goes from being an idealistic nomad of sorts 
a wanderer & a wonderer 
to being a robot.

Shut up kid!

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~ Begin

~ Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes  Women Who Run with the Wolves  Photograph credit - Jenn L. MasonGambitta