Sunday, January 11, 2015

If you have to decorate a tree

When I was a kid, I loved decorating the Christmas tree. And by decorating, I mean hanging every last bulb and bauble on that poor tree then topping it off with a box or 2 of tinsel.

But, I'm all grown up now, allegedly. And, um, I still do the same exact thing hee heee.  Well, actually, this year my personal tree was quite grown up, thank you.

However, every year we have decorated a tree at a local metro park. These trees are always themed & the decorations are sometimes handmade - or, some of them are anyway.

Our tree is usually the most full and ..... umm..... interesting.

& yes, it's January. But xmas is an insane season. & honesty, i don't know if anyone actually sees the tree at the part. Allegedly, it's always very crowded and chaotic there during their holiday festivities.

So, these are tree ideas i thought i would share in case someone ever has to do a silly themed tree &, i don't know, because i have pictures of these trees and need to do something with them.

This year, the tree had an elf theme. This was a theme that had been used before. So, some of the elves were able to be reused. However, most of the other decorations had become scattered.

Anyway - pretty simple - Just took pictures of staff & residents and  print shopped the faces onto elf bodies. Time consuming but doable.

The other decorations were simply toys purchased from the dollar store.

(some elfin faces have been blurred d/t hippa)

 One of my favorite decorations on this tree was the jacks. And the super balls.

I kind of liked this tree this year. I thought it was kind of playful and happy. Of course, the other trees were way more mature and not nearly as full. But...... screw it. 


Last year, the theme was "pearls of wisdom." This was an idea given to me by another activity director. 

She had scoured thrifts and gotten pearl necklaces and such throughout the year. I tend to live more "spontaneously". There was a lot of stringing of beads going on. Eventually I found cheap pearl-like garland at Marc's. Shew! At first I thought - hey, let's make our own pearls. I & "M" "A" & "K" gave and great college try. But..... no. We did end up with 
cute -ish little pearly decorations though.

Some of these we hot glued pipe cleaners to and then made that curly-q thing w/a pencil, you know?

Basically, the tree consisted of pearls and stuff.

We also cut hearts out of poster board, decoupaged wrapping paper on them.  Then we asked the residents to share some "words of wisdom." And put them on the hearts. The project was a bit larger than I would have liked it to be.

& oh, yes - there was a crap load of bow making. Thank goddess for you tube.

 Oh, yeah. We also made these sparkly things with glitter and Pledge.

 The tree was a bit loppy. But .... meh.


The year before that we did a woodland theme. Same concept as the elves, but turned people into little animals and used pine cones and birds and such for decorations. 
Can't find those pictures though. 

Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave constructive comments or questions. 

~ Begin

~ Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes  Women Who Run with the Wolves  Photograph credit - Jenn L. MasonGambitta