Saturday, January 20, 2018

January 21st

January 21st

Today millions of my sisters have donned pink pommed caps and swarm the globe singing songs of solidarity.
Today they air dirty patriarchal laundry.

While I.. I stand alone amid a million domestic chores
 after a million hours worked.
There was no energy for the conversation,
to give the million reasons why
I should be somewhere else.
Even in a pseudo liberated society,
marriage conforms to antiquated roles.
So, I stay in my suburban safe-house surrounded
by first world blessings
and frustrations.

 Only my body is here,
Going through the motions.
Faking it.

Heart wears a pink, fuzzy, fierce pussy hat.
Mind shouts snarky slogans.
Spirit sings

            Calling bra burning mothers
                        Civil rights grandmas
                                    Great grandmother suffragettes

                                                Matriarchs of the burning tymes
                                                            Pagan Bellatrix
Priestesses and goddesses from before the world was linear.
            When stories and legends had beginnings
                                                                                    And beginnings again.

This wave of feminine force has crashed upon the shores before;
Has pulled small bits and pieces of oppression into the deep,
Only then, that force subsided into a pool of compromise
            Acceptance of
                        Marriage proposals
                                                            Eighty-three cents
change for
            a dollar

So, my beautiful strong sisters, I ask you.
What’s next?

After the streets are swept of colorful hand crafted protest signs
And hats are hung on hooks.
After millions are reduced to one, the rights for which our aunt-cestors fought
are still at stake.

Now what? 

After the storm,
be the raindrop.

One voice
One phone call,
one letter,
after another
                                                after another
                                                            after another..

copyright Jennifer MasonGambitta 2017

~ Begin

~ Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes  Women Who Run with the Wolves  Photograph credit - Jenn L. MasonGambitta